Friday, January 21

Spin Span Spun

Still spinning away every day, at least for a little while.  I bought this beautiful BFL from here.  I decided to try a 3 ply, so I split the top at each color change, then split those into 3 strips each and pre-drafted a little.  I'm spinning each color on a different bobbin and then I'll ply them together. 

It's taken me about 2 weeks to spin the three bobbins worth.  Of course, I only have 3 bobbins for my Ladybug, so I had to get some storage bobbins in order to be able to 3-ply later.  And that entails getting a bobbin winder of some sort to get the singles off the Ladybug bobbins and onto the storage bobbins, on and on and on. 

Very addictive, this spinning stuff.  I'm off to Lowe's to look for a hand drill bobbin winder!

1 comment:

  1. Which is why I am trying to hold out just as long as I can! Lovely colors! I will look forward to seeing it all plied up!


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