Friday, February 7

On & Off the Wheel : Watercolors & Finn Batts

I guess I'm in a "batt" mood.  This is a batt I picked up a few years ago at the Arkansas Fiber Arts Extravaganza.  It's a blend of merino, silk and nylon in very "watery" colors.  Just a under 3 ounces.

I'm spinning it fine, and am trying to decide as I spin it if it's going to be one bobbin (left as a singles, or to  ply with something else) or two bobbins (and ply together).  I think I better decide quickly!

And here is the yarn from the Finn Batts :

98 yards of a very light & airy 2-ply, about 11 wpi. You can sort of see that the mohair in there is giving it a little luster. It's reminding me of raspberries, so I'm calling it "Framboise."  I already have plans for it.

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