Wednesday, January 2

January Journal

"Winter is a time for is a time for home." - Edith Sitwell

I love January.  It's fresh, new and quiet.  At least that's how I think about it.  I always picture January as a month for staying in, making plans, being refreshed.  A very introverted view of things, I'm sure.  After all the hustle and bustle of December, I'm always very ready for January.

This year, I've decided to do something a little different this year.  A January Journal.  

I have never been much of a journal keeper myself.  But, I have been quite the sketchbook keeper for the last year and a bit.  So, I'm kicking off the "keep the kind of journal you want to keep" journal-a-long sorta thing!  (All very informal and no-pressure!)  My journal will be a visual journal of my sketches (and who knows what else).  But you keep the type of journal you want : written, sketched, online, offline, cut-and-paste, pinterest-y, etc.  No rules!

I'll be posting some ideas for journaling, pages from my own journal, inspiration from other folks' journals, quotes and tidbits about journal keeping and so on.  All very low key and informal-like.  Just to help get us off to a good start for the rest of the year.

And to kick it off, here are a few sketches from the last week:

Do you enjoy keeping a journal?

1 comment:

  1. I'm in ... LOLOL!!! You already know how I'm going to do mine.

    And by the way, that first sketch will be a wonderful cross-stitch piece. I'm just saying ... :P


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