Ah, well, this is where you need to actually know your knitter. You probably wouldn't want to buy a 'sheepy-wool' kind of gal some rayon beaded yarn, or vice versa, a 'sparkly-shiny' kind of gal some woolen spun worsted with bits of hay still in it. You do your homework. Fortunately, most knitters are only too happy to help you with a list, or at least point you in the right direction.
Me, I definitely fall into the 'sheepy-wool' kind of knitter. I love fleece, handspun, and wooly yarns...and I love natural colors, heathers, and classic designs.
A Simple Christmas : Gift Ideas for the Knitter
- How about some lovely O-Wool Balance? Organic, beautiful, soft and 24 lovely colors to choose from.
- If you are feeling extravagant, and have a knitter who leans to the natural side try Juniper Moon Farm's The Shepherd and The Shearer. Check out the link for more information, but it looks like a great idea if it's in the budget.
- Beautiful copper stitch markers. Who can't use more stitch markers...especially when they're this pretty?
- A set of Signature Needles. I don't have any, but I've heard nothing but great reviews.
- Clara Parkes Yarn-making journey, The Great White Bale.
- Shades of Winter : Knitting with Natural Wool
- A yarn bowl to keep your yarn tidy and untangled.
- Brooklyn Tweed's Sweater Cards (!) Seriously. As a knitter, spinner AND sketcher (and struggling watercolorist), I started drooling when I saw these. At $25 for a set of 15 cards, it's not a bad deal (at a little over $1.50 per card).
- The Natural Knitter : How to choose, use and knit natural fibers from alpaca to yak. I got this book as a Christmas present a couple of years ago, and I love it. It's jam packed with information, and wonderful patterns to boot!
- A copper shawl pin. I like the penannular style, it just works well.
- And finally, how about a lovely sock pattern? Mine, of course...Folklore Socks. They're very addictive!
What are your favorite knitting gifts?
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