Thursday, January 16

A Year of Knitting

I love to knit, and I spend a lot of my free time knitting (surprise).  In looking back over the last year, I notice that I didn't really get a lot of "big knits" finished.  What did I knit last year?  Well,  it appears that I knit a cowl, several pairs of socks, 2 baby sweaters, and a shawl.  What?  I didn't even finish a sweater....really?

Well, things are changing this year, dang it.  I plan to do more knitting (and finishing) and to do that...I need a plan.  So, I've made myself this little chart as a goal of things to knit in 2014:

I'm going to put this over in my sideboard on the blog and every time I complete a category, I'll color it in.  I am totally committed to coloring in every square on that sketch!

I think I'm like most knitters in that I have certain things that catch my eye and stay with me over time. There are things I want to knit, and a year or two later, I'm still interested in knitting them - well, I'm going to knit those things!  Here's a partial list of things "I've been meaning to knit" for the last year or two... and I still haven't done it:

  •  a blanket
  •  a purse
  •  square or round lace shawl
  •  a capelet or shrug
  •  a house cardigan for me & for J
  •  slippers

-and that's just a start!

Then there's the list of knits - mostly sweaters - that have caught my eye over the years in different magazines (Interweave Knits, Knitty, Twist Collective, Vogue Knitting, etc.) books, and on Ravelry that I still have a hankering to knit.  So, I'm going to add these to a list to begin working on over the next few years:

tangled yoke cardigan
october frost and several other items from the book "A Fine Fleece"
plum frost cardigan
the fan
quiviut twinset
harvest moon
comfy cardigan
prairie lace blouse
moorland honeycomb cardigan
shanna's cable & lace vest

and I'll add to -and take away - from this list as it changes and as things get knit up.

Okay.  That should keep me busy for a while :)


  1. I love this!!! You should frame it after you're done making the items and colouring in their spots. So very creative Robin!!!

    1. Hey, that is a great idea! I'm thinking if this works for me this year, I'll do one every year. It would be neat to see them framed:)


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