Friday, November 22

On the Wheel : Autumn Walk

Here's the new stuff on the wheel - Autumn Walk Superwash Panda (60% Merino/30% Bamboo/10% Nylon).  It's very November-ish and spins up like a dream.  This is actually my first superwash fiber, and I'm really enjoying it.  It's soft and puffy, but very easy to spin.  I'm making a 3-ply for some socks.

And here's the green I finished last week, Enchanted Forest :

I love it.  Even though, like a dolt, I started plying the wrong way.  Meaning, I started to ply it together the same direction I spun the singles in.  You can see a few strands there that don't have much twist.  That's where I realized what I was doing, yanked it off the wheel, and went the other way with it.  I figured it would be underplied at the beginning, and sure enough.  The first few yards aren't exactly plied.  

Even at that, I'm enchanted by the Enchanted Forest :)
It's 366 yards of sport-to-fingering weight Merino/Silk.  Yum!


  1. Oooooo pretty!!!! Both of them. I can't wait to get my wheel stained next week then put together. I can't wait to spin the lovelies I got from you!!!

    1. My spinning fever is at a high pitch these days. I can't wait to see your sure to post pics when you get it done!


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