Friday, August 12

Is It Fall Yet?

105, 107, 101, 104, 100....degrees, people!  Day after day after day.  And no rain.  I mean NO rain.  Not just, oh it hasn't rained for a week or so.  I mean a month of no precipitation.  How's a vegetable garden supposed to survive, much less thrive?  The tomatoes just can't take the heat.  It's actually been too hot for the tomatoes to set their fruit.  Too hot for tomatoes!  Seriously.  The cucumbers have done pretty well, considering.  But they at least get some afternoon shade, bless their hearts.

Yes, I am done with summer.  I am so very ready for fall.  Ready for it.  Ready for cooler temps, crisper air, woolens, apples, pumpkins, leaves, shawls, sweaters, socks...all of it.

We did travel to a somewhat cooler spot a few weeks ago.  Dahlonega, Georgia.  Yes, my friends, it is cooler in Georgia than it is here.  And beautiful...

We had a chance to hike a bit on the Appalachian Trail.  THE Appalachian Trail.  The "AT".  Yep, to say my husband was excited is an understatement to say the least.  I thought he was going to bust.  And I have to say, the "reward" was great:

Nice view, huh?  And surprisingly "un-buggy."

Dahlonega is a great little jewel in the Georgia mountains.  Tons of great little restaurants and shops.  Hiking, floating and tubing all over the place.

Now, in the style of Barney Fife..."come, fall, come....come, fall, come."

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