
Tuesday, January 30

work in progress

It's been a very nice start to the new year around here. I've been concentrating on establishing some new work routines that are in line with my goals (trying to look at the big picture here!) as well as build in more personal and home care time. So far, it's going well.

But fiber show prep is starting to take place, and that can be a crazy busy time. Especially this year, since the two shows we are doing (PlyAway 3 and DFW Fiber Fest) are on consecutive weekends.  That means we have to prep for both shows at the same time. Yikes!

Things will be a little quiet around here for a couple of months while I dye up a mountain of yarn and fiber:)


  1. Yay! So excited to see you again at DFW Fiber Fest!

    1. Thanks, we're excited to be there again! It's one of our favorite weeks of the year! :)
